questions week 8

1. “History is not a world- historical ping pong match in which one player, Society, volleys historical forces with another, Nature. Historical change is better reckoned as a cascade of environment-making processes and relations, through which particular bundles of human and extra- human nature flow, upon which these bundles act and re-form as they act” (p129) what does Moore mean by this formulation of historical change, and what implications does it have in his understanding of the formation of the current ecological crisis?

2. Why does Moore view the argument that “it all began with the Industrial Revolution” as reductive and problematic?

3. “unpaid work in reproduction co-determines the socially necessary labour-time that establishes the value of those commodities[…] Necessary labour-time is co-produced through capitalisation and appropriation” (p163) what is the relationship between the appropriation of unpaid reproductive labour and capital accumulation, and why has this relationship declined in recent decades?