T2 Wks 7-8 - Bolaño, 2666

Readings for Weeks 7 and 8, when we traverse Roberto Bolaño's 2666 -

Pascale Casanova, “Literature as a World,” New Left Review 31 (Jan-Feb 2005): 71-90

Sergio González Rodríguez, The Femicide Machine (Semiotext(e))

Deborah Weissman, “The Political Economy of Violence: Toward an Understanding of the Gender-Based Murders of Ciudad Juaréz,” North Carolina Journal
of International Law and Commercial Regulation (Summer 2005): 795-868

Sharae Deckard, “Peripheral Realism, Millennial Capitalism, and Roberto Bolaño’s 2666,” Modern Language Quarterly 73:3 (September 2012): 351-372

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