Some links regarding the controversy over Daisey's play, with resonance for what we've been looking at concerning 'media ecologies' -
To begin, Mike Daisey’s blogsite, where his monologue is available for free download: “With its 2.0 release, THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY OF STEVE JOBS is now sharper and stronger … and it is ethically made”:
A 2012 CBS story, “The Dark Side of Shiny Apple Products,” on Mike Daisey’s performance piece (with excerpts), positioning it within the frame of investigative journalism:
The original adapted-for-radio broadcast of Mike Daisey’s piece on This American Life:
The subsequent retraction of the broadcast, itself taking up an entire episode of This American Life:
A Washington Post ‘opinion blog’ detailing the ‘truth vs. facts’ of Daisey’s performance:
A New York Times article, “In China, Human Costs are Built into an iPad,” by reporter Charles Duhigg:
A handwringing piece by James Fallows of The Atlantic on the fallout from the Daisey affair:
And one of the few critical examinations of the story, drawing attention to some of the contexts for the firestorm over Daisey’s show, including corporate support for National Public Radio shows like Marketplace: