The Tempest and Post-Colonialism: Reading
The Tempest: Postcolonial and Exilic Perspectives
Silvija Jestrovic, Theatre Studies
Texts discussed
Cesaire, Aimee, Une Tempete. Paris : Seuil, 1969; A Tempest, based on Shakeskpeare's The tempest : adaptation for a black theatre / Aimé Césaire ; translated from the French by Philip Crispin. London: Oberon, 2000.
Teatro Buendia, Otra Tempestad, Directed by Flora Lauten. Written by Raquel Carrio. 1997 (unpublished)
Secondary sources
Galery, Maria Clara. “Caliban/ Cannibal/ Carnival: Cuban Articulations of Shakespeare’s The Tempest,” Shakespeare in the Worlds of Communism and Socialism. Eds. Irena R. Makaryk and Joseph G.Price. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
Gilbert, Helen and Joanne Tompkins. Postcolonial Drama: Theory, Practice, Politics. London: Routledge, 1996.
Kristeva, Julia. Strangers to Ourselves. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.
Lazarus, Neil ed. The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004
Lemming, George. The Pleasure of Exile. London: Michael Joseph, 1960
Mannoni, Octave. Prospero and Caliban: the Psychology of Colonization. Trans. Pamela Powesland. New York: Praeger, 1964
Ping, Chin Woon. “Sycorax Revisited: Exile and Absence in Performance,” Modern Drama. Vol. XLVI No1, 2003.
Retamar, Roberto Fernandez. Caliban and Other Essays. Trans. Edward Baker, forward Frederic Jameson. Minneapolis: University of Minnestota Press, 1989.
RodÛ, JosÈ Henrique. Ariel. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1967.
Said, Edward. Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000