2010- date (ongoing): PhD, Warwick (English and Comparative Literary Studies)
2007-2010: MA, Trieste (Modern Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures)
2004-2007: BA, Trieste (Modern Foreign Languages and Cultures)
2012-2013: Part-time tutor, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
Refereed journal article: “Oscar Wilde’s Debt to Edward Dowden”, in Notes and Queries, Vol. 61, No. 1 (March 2014, forthcoming)
Refereed journal article: Refereed journal article: “Authorship, Authenticity and the Perceptual / Non- Perceptual Divide” in the Journal of Literary Theory, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Autumn 2013, forthcoming)
Book review: Oscar Wilde (Nicholas Frankel ed.): The Picture of Dorian Gray. An Annotated, Uncensored Edition (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2011) in Prospero. Rivista di Letterature Straniere, Comparatistica e Studi Culturali, Vol. XVI (2011), pp. 89-93
Book review: Dina Al-Kassim: On Pain of Speech (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010) in Prospero. Rivista di Letterature Straniere, Comparatistica e Studi Culturali, Vol. XVI (2011), pp. 93-96
(under review): Refereed article in a collection of conference proceedings: “Authors against Authorialism: The Case of Oscar Wilde”, submitted to Authorship
2013 (co-recipient): contributions towards conference-related costs on the part of the British Society of Aesthetics (£2820), the American Society of Aesthetics ($3700), Warwick Humanities Research Centre (£380) and the Philosophy Department at Warwick (£300)
2012: Humanities Research Centre travel bursary (£380)
2010-2013: Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (£50000)
2010: MA awarded cum laude
2007: BA awarded cum laude
2005-2010: ERDISU, university fees paid in full plus commuting allowance
2013-2014 (co-organiser): 21st Century Theories of Literature: Essence, Fiction and Value. University of Warwick (forthcoming 27-29/3/2014)
2012-2013 (co-organiser): Arts Faculty Seminar Series, University of Warwick.
(invited talk): “How Many People Are There in “My Last Duchess”?”. Hearing Voices? The Moral Value of Experiencing Literature. University of Warwick (forthcoming 26/11/2013)
"Flaubert, Wilde, Joyce and the Question of the Author”. We Speak a Different Tongue: Maverick Voices and Modernity, 1890-1939. St John’s College, University of Durham, 5-6/7/2013
“Oscar Wilde and Edward Dowden”. The Importance of Being Wilde: Day Symposium on Oscar Wilde. University of Limerick, 12/6/2013
“Authors against Authorialism: The Case of Oscar Wilde”. Reconfiguring Authorship. University of Ghent, 15-18/11/2012
“Oscar Wilde’s Poetic Voices: The Case of Poems”. Intersections, graduate conference. University College London, 9/3/2012