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Behind the scenes of The Strangers' Case

Behind the scenes filming The Strangers' Case, BBAShakespeare's Refugee Week video. Directed by Peter Trifunovic.

Hear Ibrahim Knight sharing his thoughts about playing Sir Thoms More and speaking Shakespeare's great indictment of prejudice.

Then spread the words.

BBAS film for Refugee Week 2018: The Strangers' Case by Shakespeare

June 20 2018 - The Strangers' Case released!

Speeches by William Shakespeare, from the suppressed play Sir Thomas More, provide the word for a powerful short film directed by Peter Trifunovic, and featuring Ibrahim Knight as Sir Thomas More. It's co-produced with Tony Howard and presented by BBAShakespeare and the University of Warwick.

Filmed in Leeds, Peter Trifunovic's film places Shakespeare's scene of anti-immigrant rioting in a contemporary bar. It shows that xenophobia has not changed in four centuries, but also that the power of language and of empathy is undimished.

The Strangers Case video on YouTube

Thu 21 Jun 2018, 13:13

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