Access & Security
Community Safety
Community safety is everybody's responsibility, and everyone can do a lot to help protect themselves and others while at Warwick. Reporting suspicious activity, security concerns, and inappropriate behaviours through the relevant channels is an excellent place to start. More information is available on the Community Safety website (formerly Security).
Office Security
Please remember to close the door and lock your office when leaving it, even if it is only for a few minutes.
If you lose your office key, please report the loss to Spare keys are available from the Student Services office, but if a lost key is not recovered it may be necessary to change the lock. We do not have access to any master keys.
Please be aware that all personal items are left on University premises, including in staff offices, at the owners' own risk. That includes books in academic offices. If personal items are stolen or damaged, they are not covered by the University's insurance policy and the cost cannot be reimbursed and nor can replacements be purchased from University funds.
Card Reader Access
Access to some University buildings, and to some rooms within the buildings, is through the use of a card reader programmed to recognise University ID cards. Some English spaces are accessed through the use of a card reader, and any access issues should be reported to Andrea Humber (
Please be aware that a University ID card must be used with one of the card readers on the outside of a University building within the previous few days before it will work on the card readers inside the buildings. If your card is not working inside the building, please hold it against the building's main external reader for 30 seconds and try again.