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Employing Temporary Staff

There are a variety of methods for the employment of temporary staff, and strict rules regarding how and when they are employed. Staff must not make any promise of employment to any individual without first consulting with the Head of Operations to ensure that all of the required administrative processes have been followed and completed.

  • GTAs: Any PG students engaged in the delivery and/or support of teaching on a temporary sessional hourly-paid basis must be paid through the GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant) payroll.
  • STPs: Anyone other than PG students engaged in the delivery and/or support of teaching on a temporary sessional hourly-paid basis must be paid through the STP (Sessional Teaching Payroll) payroll.
  • Unitemps: Any temporary hourly-paid work that is not related to the delivery and/or support of teaching must be paid through the Unitemps payroll. Typical examples are employing a student on an hourly-paid basis as a research assistant, or for clerical assistance, or to support an event.

No work can be conducted until the individual has been set up on the correct payroll system and a Right To Work In The UK check has been completed. When the work commences, it must be carried out when the individual is in the UK and paused if they temporarily leave the UK.