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Study Leave

Staff are eligible to apply for a term’s study leave after every 7 terms worked. Forms are available online at and should be filled out in Term 1 of the year before that in which leave is requested. (The deadline for the submission of applications will be advised at the start of each academic year). It’s important to note that being eligible for leave does not guarantee that leave will be granted. Staff who apply for outside-funded leave also need to apply for this internally, as only a certain percentage of a department’s staff are permitted to be on leave at any one time. Once staff return from leave they need to fill out a report, (also found online) and submit it to the Head of Department within four weeks of the end of the leave period.

Study Leave is granted on a term by term basis and therefore, each term of study leave is of 10 week's duration and begins on the first day of term and ends on the last day of term. Student vacation periods do not form part of the Study Leave period. Reports on Study Leave are due within four weeks of the end of the period of Study Leave.