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Emergency Contact & Advice

The Community Safety teamLink opens in a new window (formerly known as Security) works 24/7/365, and is the contact point for the University’s emergency response.

Any situation where you feel you do not wish to wait until the next working day, you are advised to call Community Safety. They will advise about an appropriate response, and they have access to key out of hours contacts at the University, if this is necessary. They may also reassure you that it can wait, and signpost you to the relevant team.

Community Safety are the University’s first-responders and are trained both in physical and mental health first aid. They have vast experience of supporting people in difficulty, and mobilising appropriate support.

If you are concerned about immediate risk to life, and the student lives on campus, you can call Community Safety on 024 76522222. They can arrange a safe and well check for the student and/or arrange emergency services if necessary. If the student lives off campus, Community Safety are always available for advice, but do contact emergency services to attend. Other emergency contact informationLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window is available. For less urgent intervention, contact Wellbeing Support Services for guidance on 024 76575570 (extension 75570).