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PhD Supervision

Details of the regulations, guidance, and support for the supervision and progression of PhD students is available from the Doctoral College website. The specific regulations regarding PhD supervisors are as follows:


  • All potential PhD applicants must have a names supervisor(s) in place before applying to study with us.
  • A PhD student may be supervised by a sole supervisor or two to three co-supervisors.
  • If there are co-supervisors then one must be designated as the primary supervisor, and each co-supervisor must be responsible for at least 20% of the supervisory duties.
  • A sole or primary supervisor must be at least FA8 (either on a T&R contract, or a T-Focused contract, or an R-Focused contract), be on an indefinite contract, and have a contract of at least 0.5 FTE.
  • A co-supervisor who is not the primary supervisor must be at least FA6 (either on a T&R contract, or a T-Focused contract, or an R-Focused contract).

For information relating to Upgrades, Examiners and related forms can be found under the Teaching & Learning Section of the Staff Intranet.