Support & Training
There are a number of colleagues in the department who can provide support and guidance regarding teaching and learning, and those with primary responsibility in this area are listed below. (Link to our people pages)
Deputy Head of Department (Teaching & Learning)
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Academic Administrator
Senior Programmes Officer (IT Support & Communications)
Academic Development Centre
The Academic Development Centre (ADC) delivers a range of courses and programmes Link opens in a new windowoffering-high quality learning experiences tailored to individual teaching contexts. With ADC, you will:
- harness and expand your professional knowledge and understanding;
- focus on personal teaching priorities;
- engage with latest findings from research and scholarship;
- apply your learning to practice with authentic learning and assessment;
- be part of a learning community;
- benefit from the support of experienced and committed educators.
HEA Fellowships
An HEA Fellowship offers valuable professional recognition, enhancing your teaching practice and academic profile. There are a range of pathways to Fellowship that will suit all levels of staff engaged in teaching, from PhD students employed as GTAs to new assistant professors to experienced academic staff leading teaching and learning at a strategic level.
Please see the Academic & Professional Pathways to HEA FellowshipLink opens in a new window webpages on the Academic Development Centre website for more details.