Viewing publication records
Each publication represented in the database has a full bibliographical record. When you run a publication search (complex or simple), a list of matching publications is shown in the Publications Resuts List. Each publication is presented in a row of the table, starting with a magnifying glass icon . Clicking on this icon opens the selected publications's record in the Selected Publication Record page.
The Selected Publication Record page is divided into three panels:
- Publication Record (on the left) - the fields that are displayed in this panel vary depending upon the publication type (e.g. book or film).
- Authors and Contributors table (top right) - listing all people who played a role in the creation of the selected version of the publication (such as editors, translators). To view information about an author, click on the magnifying glass icon next to their name. This will open their record in the Selected Author Record page. You can look at this record, and then switch back to the publication record by clicking on the Publications tab followed by the Selected Publication Record tab.
- Versions table (bottom right) - listing all known versions of the publication in date order. To view a different version, click on its magnifying glass icon .