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Week 4: The Impact of the Revolution

  • Gobbets
  • Governor Dunmore's Proclamation and the Virginia Assembly's response

  • Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia ch.14

Other Sources

Benezet, Anthony, Short observations on slavery, introductory to some extracts from the writing of the Abbe Raynal, on that important subject. (Philadelphia, 1781)


What impact did the struggle against Britain have on American slavery? What was the impact of the revolution on American slaves? Why were the slaves not emancipated? How did Jefferson reconcile his racist views and his anti-slavery stance?

Core Reading
Further reading
  • Berlin, Ira [ed], Slavery and Freedom in the era of the American Revolution (articles by Nash, Dunn, Morgan, Kulikoff, Norton, Raboteau, Macleod, Knight, Davis, Quarles)
  • Jordan, Winthrop, White man's burden ch 7 & 12
  • David Brion Davis, Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World (ch 7)
  • Frey, Sylvia R., Water from the rock: black resistance in a revolutionary age.
  • Rose, Willie, Slavery and Freedom (ch 1)
  • Goldwin, Robert & Kaufman, Art, Slavery and its consequence: the constitution, equality and race
  • Miller, John Chester, The wolf by the ears: Thomas Jefferson and Slavery
  • MacLeod, Duncan, Slavery, race and the American revolution