Profile evidence
Promotion profile evidence
Discipline-specific, research-led teaching excellence
A. PDR form Jan 2016-June 2017
B. Student feedback from FR252 module 2016-17 part I and part II
C. Student feedback from FR256 module 2016-17
D. Reflective response to student feedback module FR252
E. WATE nomination statement: Emily Philipps, Sophie Langhelt and Orla Miller (March 2016)
F. Reflective blog post on ‘Teaching after Charlie Hebdo’,, January 2015
G. Programme booklet, ‘Propaganda and France in World War II,’ delivered to Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form) students through the Brilliant Club/Warwick UniTracks in 2014-15 and 2016-17
H. Supporting statement from Professor Jan Windebank, Professor of French, University of Sheffield and Hon. Vice-President of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France
I. Peer-reviewed article for Modern and Contemporary France on election campaign of François Fillon (due for publication November 2017)
J. Webpage for one-day symposium on ‘Vichy and the everyday’ (foundation for peer-reviewed, co-edited book on Vichy France and Everyday Life: Confronting the Challenges of Wartime, 1939-1945 due for publication with Bloomsbury in 2018)
K. Book review of Akane Kawakami’s Patrick Modiano in Modern Languages Review, Vol.111, No.3, July 2017, pp.710-711
L. Website for IATL-funded project ‘(Re)Imagining the Holocaust through interdisciplinary teaching and learning’
Year Abroad leadership of teaching and learning (Internationalisation)
M. Institutional Teaching and Learning Review (ITLR) report, SMLC, January 2017
N. Supporting statement from Professor Pierre-Philippe Fraiture (SMLC, Warwick) on handling of Paris attacks of November 2015
O. ‘You Said, We Did’ reflections on SMLC management of the Year Abroad
P. Year Abroad newsletter, May 2017
Excellence in pastoral support, mentoring and coaching of students and colleagues
Q. Supporting statement from Professor Louise Gracia, Dean of Students, on involvement in Personal Training Review (PTR) Group 2017 and Report for PTR as leader of training and development subgroup
R. Evidence of peer observation of postgraduate colleague
S. Evidence of involvement in postgraduate support and development (Upgrade reports RI, RV and WR)
T. Supporting statement from Dr Kayte Stokoe, postdoctoral teacher, on mentoring support