Dr Georgina Collins
Assistant Professor
Tel: +44 (0)24 765 23335
Email: G dot Collins at warwick dot ac dot uk
Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
Research interests
My research in Translation Studies centres on the literary rewriting of Francophone African poetry and prose, with a strong focus on female authors from Senegal. I am particularly interested in the translation of non-standard language due to the proximity of French and Wolof in Senegal, as well as the influence of orality upon the translation of written Francophone works. I have recently returned from Dakar where I began a new research project on Anthologising Translations: The Rewriting and Representation of Africa. I also work as a freelance translator and was awarded a joint Pen Award for Writing Revolution: The Voices from Tunis to Damascus. My translations of Senegalese poetry by Mame Seck Mbacké are in the current edition of Modern Poetry in Translation and the short story "Teibashin" by Felwine Sarr will appear in the December 2016 edition of Wasafiri.
Teaching and supervision
As well as teaching at undergraduate and Masters level in French and Translation Studies, I am currently co-supervising the following PhDs:
- Josianne Mamo: Crafting a Fictional World in Translingual Writing (critical compenent) and Then the Cicadas Sang (novel)
- Hannah Silvester: Subtitling the Banlieue: Analysing and Establishing Strategies for the Subtitling of French Banlieue Cinema
- Aniko Szilagyi: Gabriel the Victorious and Post-2000 English Translations of Hungarian Fiction
- All This Has Nothing to Do with Me. Novel by Monica Sabolo translated by Georgina Collins. London: Picador, 2015.
Quaich: An Anthology of Translation in Scotland Today. Eds. Madeleine Campbell, Georgina Collins, and Aniko Szilagyi. Westport: Evertype, 2014. - The Other Half of History: An Anthology of Francophone African Women’s Poetry in Translation. Coventry: Heaventree, 2007.
Articles and chapters
- "We Are Not Swallows." Writing Revolution: The Voices from Tunis to Damascus. Eds. Layla Al-Zubaidi et al. Trans. Georgina Collins. London: IB Tauris, 2013. (PEN Award received)
- “Gaelic Renaissance.” Written with Fiona Dunn. The Linguist. 51, 6 (2012): 22-23.
- “Gendering translation: The ‘female voice’ in postcolonial Senegal.” Francosphères. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2012.
- “Meaning in Senegal.” The Linguist. 51,3 (2012): 22-23.
- “The Novels of Francophone Senegalese Writer, Sokhna Benga: Interview and Literary Translation.” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies: Sites. New York: Routledge, 2012. 5-13 and 106-113.
- “Le Rêve de l’homme lucide.” Fiction France: A Selection of French Contemporary Fiction to Be Read and Translated. 10 (Mar. 2012): 86-90.
- “(Re)Play.” Fiction France: A Selection of French Contemporary Fiction to Be Read and Translated. 8 (Mar. 2011): 24-29.
- “The Translator as Mediator – Interpreting ‘Non-Standard’ French in Senegalese Women’s Literature.” Lost in Translation – PEER English: The Journal of New Critical Thinking. Leicester: Leicester UP, Oct. 2010. 98-113.
- Beneath the Branches of the Baobab. “Crossing the Disciplines: Explorations at the Interface.” Warwick: Warwick Working Papers Series, 2007. 65-80.
- “Women’s Poetry from Francophone Africa in Translation.” Avocado: Commemorating the 1807 Abolition of the British Slave Trade. Jul. 2007. 16-17.
- “Poetry in Motion.” The Linguist. 46, 6 (2007): 18-19.
- “Going it Alone.” The Linguist. 46, 3 (2007): 20-21. (on MA in Translation syllabus ’07-‘09)
Review articles
- "Review: Writing and Translating Francophone Discourse: Africa, The Caribbean, Diaspora, edited by Paul F. Bandia (2014). Translation Studies, 2016.
- “Review: The Wounded Soul of a Black Elephant & A Prayer to the Ancestors,” Gabriel Mwènè Okoundji, translated by Peter Figueroa with assistance from Carol Sanders (2008). International Journal of Francophone Studies, 2012.
- “Conference Report: Between Utopia and Dystopia – The Afterlives of Empire.” Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies. Spring 2011.
BA (Durham), MA, PhD (Warwick)
Office hours
Room H4.40
Wednesday 9-11
Friday 10-11