Mr Stephen Lamb
Principal Teaching Fellow
German Studies Senior Tutor
University Senior Tutor
Tel: +44 (0)24 765 24479
Email: s dot j dot lamb at warwick dot ac dot uk
H2.17, Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL
As an undergraduate in the Department of German at the University of Birmingham (1966-70) and the Freie Universität Berlin (1968-69), and subsequently as a postgraduate at the then recently founded University of Warwick (1970-71), I was fortunate to benefit greatly from the inspiring teaching and research of two of the most influential figures in the history of British Germanistik: Roy Pascal and Richard Hinton-Thomas. My work since 1972 as a life-long teacher and researcher at Warwick has been dedicated to maintaining their legacy of critical analysis of a wide range of modern German culture.
Research interests
My research has focused on culture and politics in the Weimar Republic and in exile, and in particular on Ernst Toller and Klaus Mann. I have also published on German cinema (Weimar Republic and Neuer deutscher Film) and culture in the new Berlin republic. I am a member of an international team currently producing a new complete edition of the works of Ernst Toller for the Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft.
Teaching and supervision
- GE 201 Modern German Language II: former module co-ordinator and teacher of translation and audio-visual comprehension.
- GE 209 Culture and Politics in the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich: Module co-ordinator and teacher.
- GE 412 The Writer and Imperial Germany 1871-1918: Module co-ordinator and teacher.
- GE 429 Berlin 1900 to the present day. Culture, Society and Politics. Teacher.
Administrative roles
I am also the University's Senior Tutor, responsible for the University's personal tutor system and for providing advice to students experiencing difficulties with their studies. I also offer help and advice to academic members of staff who are personal tutors. Information about the Senior Tutor role.Selected publications
- 'Ernst Toller and the Weimar Republic' in: Culture and Society in the Weimar Republic (ed. K.Bullivant), Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1978, pp. 71-94
- Ernst Toller: vom Aktivismus zum humanistischen Materialismus' in: Das literarische Leben der Weimarer Republik (ed. K Bullivant), Scriptor Verlag, Königstein, 1978, pp. 164-192
- (with Rob Burns) 'Social Reality and Stylisation in Fear Eats the Soul: Fassbinder's Study in Prejudice' in: New German Studies, IX 3 Autumn 1981, pp.193-206
- 'Intellectuals and the Challenge of Power: the case of the Munich Räterepublik' in: The Weimar Dilemma. Intellectuals and the Weimar Republic, ed. A.Phelan, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1985, pp.132-162
- (with Richard Dove) 'Traum und Wirklichkeit: Ernst Tollers spanische Hilfsaktion' in: Exil, 1, 1990, pp. 5-27. (subsequently published in Die Zeit, 38, Sept 14 1990)
- (with A. Phelan) 'Weimar Culture: the Birth of Modernism' in: German Cultural Studies: An Introduction Rob Burns (ed.), Oxford University Press, 1995, pp.53-99
(with Richard Dove) 'A rebel in England?. Ernst Toller's Campaign against National Socialism', in: Between two languages: German-speaking exiles in Great Britain 1933-45. Vol. 308 of Stuttgarter Arbeiten zur Germanistik, Vol. 59 of Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies,
William Abbey (ed.), Hans-Dieter Heinz, 1995, pp.21-34 - 'Zufall, Fiktion und Wirklichkeit. Zwei Begegnungen mit Ernst Toller', in: Ernst Toller und die Weimarer Republik. Ein Autor im Spannungsfeld von Literatur und Politik. Schriften der Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft Band 1. Stefan Neuhaus et al. (eds.), Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg, 1999, pp.113-121
- ' "Als Ästhet beginnen und als Sozialist enden": ein Paradox? Überlegungen zur Problematik "Literatur und Engagement" am Beispiel Klaus Mann'. in: Engagierte Literatur zwischen den Weltkriegen. Schriften der Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft Band III, Stefan Neuhaus et al (eds.), Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg, 2002
- 'Re-presenting the German Past in 2005: Culture’s Contribution in the New German Republic.' in: Debatte, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 13, 3, December 2005
- Ernst Toller, Sämtliche Werke, Kritische Ausgabe. Im Auftrag der Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft
hg. von D. Distl, M. Gerstenbräun, T. Hoffmann, J. Jordan, S. Lamb, P. Langemeyer, K.
Leydecker, S. Neuhaus, M. Pilz, K. Reimers, Ch. Schönfeld, G. Scholz, R. Selbmann, Th. Unger und I. Zanol, Wallstein-Verlag. 5 Bde. zus. ca. 4200 S., ca. 50 Abb., Leinen ISBN: 978-3-8353-1335-4 Lieferbar ab Dezember 2014.
Professional associations
- Member of Conference of University Teachers of German
- Association for Language Learning
- BA (Hons) Birmingham
- MA (Warwick)
Office hours
Term One Mondays 12.30 to 2.00; Fridays 1.00-2.00
Otherwise by agreement via email