Europe and the EU: Past, Present and Future
Module Description
The module is primarily for incoming exchange students. At a critical time for Europe, it aims to provide background to current debates. It is one of a pair of modules; this module is delivered in the first term, and its counterpart, Britain in Europe, is delivered in the second term. The second module will engage with the same themes, but with a focus on the country in which students are studying.
Europe 1945-2016 – main themes
Nation-states and Nationalism
European Integration
European expansion
Europe and the Impact of Globalisation
Regions and Regionalism in Europe
Migration, Inclusion and Exclusion
Citizenship and Human rights in Europe
Issues and challenges for Europe
To engage with texts about Europe in order to appreciate ideas about Europe and the EU
To consider the main pan-European developments
To become familiar with contemporary debates about Europe
To enhance English language skills in reading, writing and speaking
Learning Outcomes
Critical evaluation of historical, political, social and economic ideas about EuropeSocio-historical contextualization of ideas about Europe
Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of arguments about Europe and the EU
Engagement with relevant secondary sources
Ability to present complex ideas in both written and oral form
Assessment Method
1 x commentary on digital resources (1000 words) – 25%
2 x journalistic articles (500 words each) - 25%
1 x evaluation of contrasting articles (1000 words) – 25%
1 x 10- minute presentation – 25%