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Routes for assessment SMLC modules

The university's new assessment policy stipulates that every module should have a single assessment route (rather than a choice of routes). The policy applies to students entering the first year in 2019-20. We therefore need to ensure that all our honours-level non-core modules comply for the academic year 2020-21. At the same time, the university is enjoining us to be more diverse in our assessment practices (see the Assessment Strategy pages for more details).

We are mindful, though, that there needs to be range and balance in our assessment models across the school. We would therefore like to find out what your thoughts are about how you would like to assess your modules in the future in the light of these changes.

Could please complete the form indicating your intentions for the assessment of your module in the light of this, by 30th September at the latest. We can then begin an informed School-wide discussion of our assessment offering.

For more information about options for assessment, please see the Academic Development Centre guidelines on assessment, which includes a list of assessment types.

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