2023-2024 Events
Research Events

Photo credit: “Textures” by Marco Beltrametti is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Translation and Transcultural Studies research seminars
The programme for our Translation and Transcultural Studies research seminars in the current academic year is available here.
Careers Events
"Translation as a profession" session
In cooperation with the West Midlands Network of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting. This will be a great opportunity for you to learn first-hand about the translation profession!
Wednesday, 29th November, 4:30-5:30.
Room S0.19.
Followed by light refreshments
"Translation and project management roles in translation companies"Link opens in a new window session
Representatives from The Word Hub will give us an insight into translation as a profession, ways to get started as a translator and how translation companies work. This session will be a great opportunity for you to learn first-hand about the translation profession.
Friday, 2nd February, 1-3 pm.
Room FAB2.25.
"How to build sustainability and ethics into your freelance translation business"
Freelance sustainability translator and copywriter Rachel Baker (The Ethical CopywriterLink opens in a new window) will discuss how to make a positive impact as a translator and small business owner. Rachel will talk about what to consider when finding and choosing clients, how to make your day-to-day operations more sustainable and tips for navigating complex sustainability communications.
Monday,11th March, 3-4 pm, followed by coffee and tea.
Room FAB2.25.
Skill Development: Workshops and Masterclasses
Information literacy session
Sarah Akhtaruzzaman, Wednesday 18th October, 1-3 pm
Room OC1.01
Learn how to make the best use of the Library and its resources, and how to use the library website and catalogue to find the references and materials you need. This is a useful opportunity for you to make sure you feel confident with Library searches and other online resources that can help you with your research.
Translating Disney Songs
Multilingual Workshop. Dr Mónica Martín Castaño (University of Warwick). 27th October, 3:15-5:00 pm.
Room FAB 2.43
In this workshop, we will examine the constraints faced by translators whilst translating a Disney song. Students will have the opportunity to analyse the solutions offered in the official translations, and we will compare the different solutions offered in the languages spoken by our students.
Students will be encouraged to participate actively in the workshop. Students will need to bring a laptop or device where they can watch a videoclip with a Disney song, and earphones.
In their words: exploring readers’ reception of human and machine-translated health information
Masterclass by Dr Susana Valdez (Leiden University, IAS Visiting FellowLink opens in a new window). 20th November, 4:30-5:30 pm.
Room FAB 2.25
How to Post-Edit AI Translation in BWX
Masterclass by Viveta Gene from Bureau Works as part of the Bureau Works Alliance.
15th February 2024, 1:00-2:30.
British-Chinese author Xue Xinran in dialogue with her translator William Spence
21st February 2024, 11-12, OC0.04.
In this roundtable discussion, British-Chinese author Xinran will be discussing her works with one of her translators, Will Spence. Will has translated two of Xinran’s nine works, The Promise (2018), and her latest non-fiction The Book of Secrets (2024). They will be discussing topics including cultural translation, how to translate narrative voices, visual elements, the question of “over-translation”, and so forth.
Getting started as a literary translator
Join acclaimed translator Rosalind HarveyLink opens in a new window for a practical, nuts-and-bolts talk on 'How to get started as a literary translator', followed by a workshop where you can roll up your sleeves and do some creative poetry translation.
Monday, 29th April, 3-6 pm, with a coffee break.
Room OC0.05
MA Writing Bootcamp
Good ideas are only half the challenge of the dissertation: you need to be able to communicate them well! This will be a relaxed, supportive and enjoyable session on academic writing, to help strengthen the skills you already have and try out new ways of approaching the task of writing an essay/dissertation.
Wednesday 22nd May, 9-11 am, followed by a staff-student Get Together (11-12:00)
Room OC0.05
Putting the Cart Before the Horses: From a Dissertation to a Research Project
Thursday 23rd May, 3-4 pm. MA Workshop by Dr Gabriela Saldanha. FAB2.43
Extra-Curricular Events for MA and PhD students
We organise Translation and Transcultural Studies online reading groups for MA and PhD students. The reading groups run twice per term:
Term 1
- Tuesday 22 October 5-6 pm, FAB 2.32
- Tuesday 19 November 5-6pm, FAB 2.32
Term 2
For info email Dr Lee Purvis.
Further Events in Translation and Transcultural Studies at Warwick can be found here.
In the past we also organised a Warwick Prize in Undergraduate Translation
Follow us on Twitter [@Warwick_Transla] for more information and tweets
about and around Translation Studies!
The Translation and Transcultural Studies research seminar series is supported by the Humanities Research Centre
Past Events
See all our past events below
2023-2024 Seminar SeriesLink opens in a new window
Conference - Afterlives of an EssayLink opens in a new window
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD with our staff, please check information on our PhD in Translation and Transcultural Studies.