Faculty of Arts Events Calendar
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
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📝 DAHL: Miro online shareable whiteboardsFAB1.63 Media Symposium SpaceThe world’s most popular research and design collaboration software, free for students and staff. |
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Work in Progress - Emma Greensmith (Oxford)OC1.03‘Heretical Epithets in Nonnus’ Paraphrase of St John’. |
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Study Café - The Art of PresentingFAB2.25Do you find standing up in front of a group intimidating? In this interactive session, we'll explore how to be an effective presenter, how to tackle nerves and audience questions, and how to engage your audience throughout. |
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Nurturing Hope Speaker Series: "Creativity, Community, and Forms of Knowledge" with Josephine Burton |
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Hispanic Studies Work in Progress SeminarFAB 4.78 |