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Past Speakers (since 2020)

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25 Mar 2019

International conference at Kensington Palace co-organized by Professor Hatt.

Victoria’s Self-Fashioning: Curating Royal Image for Dynasty, Nation and Empire.

Kensington Palace, 20-21 May 2019

Co-organized by Historic Royal Palaces and the University of Warwick, in partnership with the Royal Collection Trust, the Bodleian Library, the University of Oxford and the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, to mark the bicentenary of Queen Victoria’s birth.

08 Mar 2019

Setting the Scene: The Architectural Imagination of Renaissance Artists.

A workshop organised by Dr Livia Lupi, History of Art Research Fellow, will take place at Warwick in London on 24th May 2019

Setting the Scene: the Architectural Imagination of Renaissance Artists is a workshop exploring the representation of architecture in European painting between the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries. Focusing on Italy and the Netherlands, its aim is to analyse the roles of architecture in narrative scenes.

14 Jan 2019

Call for Papers: 'Victoria's Self-Fashioning' international conference.


The conference will take place on the 20-21 May, 2019, at Kensington Palace. Please send proposals of 400 words maximum, for papers of twenty minutes, together with a short biography of 100 words maximum, to Dr Sara Ayres ( The submission deadline is 28 February 2019.

10 Dec 2018

Participation in Ribero International Study Day at Dulwich Picture Gallery.

Professor Lorenzo Pericolo and Dr Carlo Avilio are taking part in an international study day at the Dulwich Picture Gallery - Ribera’s Art of Violence: New Intersections and Interventions. The event relates to the exhibition Ribera: Art of Violence (26 September 2018 – 27 January 2019), and comprises academic and public sessions.

28 Nov 2018

Paul Smith - livestream of Cézanne event at Herbert Art Gallery.

You can watch Professor Paul Smith in an event which will be streamed live from Coventry's Herbert Art Gallery. He will join Darryl Georgiou of Coventry University to discuss works in the current exhibition Cézanne: Montagne Sainte-Victoire showing the well-loved and significant painting by Cézanne lent by the Courtauld Gallery in London, and paintings from the Coventry collection by artists such as Paul Nash, David Bomberg, LS Lowry and Prunella Clough.

21 Jun 2018

Art, Air and Illness workshop co-organised by Dr Amanda Sciampacone & Professor Juliet Simpson (Coventry University).

The workshop taking place this afternoon in Coventry will feature new research and presentations on the theme of air, environment, and embodied and cultural experiences of breath by Dr Amanda Sciampacone, George Saxon (Coventry University), Jane Macnaughton and Jayne Wilton (Life of Breath project: Durham-Wellcome Institute).

13 Jun 2018

Dr Stefano Columbo will be presenting a paper at AAH Summer Symposium.

Recent doctoral graduate Stefano Columbo will be presenting a paper of his research at this year's Association for Art Historians Summer Symposium (being held 26-27 June). His paper is entitled Baldassarre Longhena’s Funerary Monument to Doge Giovanni Pesaro and the Rhetoric of the Living Sculpture and the theme of the Symposium is (Re-)Forming Sculpture.

PROGRAMME of the Symposium.

23 Feb 2018

Michael Hatt: Image of the American Indian session at CAA 2018.

Professor Michael Hatt has chaired a session with Martina Droth (Yale Center for British Art) at the CAA conference in Los Angeles: The Image of the American Indian in Nineteenth-Century Britain: New Critical Perspectives.

This interdisciplinary session seeks to explore the various ways in which native peoples from the United States and Canada, and the artifacts of their cultures, were being represented, portrayed, studied, and collected in Britain in the long nineteenth century.

09 Feb 2018

Dr Sciampacone will be presenting a paper at the CAA conference in Los Angeles.

History of Art Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow Amanda Sciampacone will be presenting a paper entitled 'The Aesthetics of the Diagram in Victorian Medical Climatology' in a session on 'Art on the Nature of Data about Nature' at the College Art Association annual conference in Los Angeles on 23 February 2018.

15 Jan 2018

In Conversation: Clare Woods and Karen Lang at the Mead Gallery.

Painting by Clare Woods - English MurderTomorrow evening, Karen Lang (Reader in History of Art) and Clare Woods will be discussing the artist’s new series of paintings in a special event at the Mead Gallery. A panel of University of Warwick academics including Clément Dessy, Johannes Roessler and Jonathan Skinner will comment on Woods’ work and the discussion will then open up to involve the audience.

Clare Woods’ work is held in many major international collections including those of the University of Warwick, Arts Council England, the Arken Museum of Modern Art in Denmark, and the Albright-Knox Gallery in Buffalo, USA.

The event is organised by the Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts.

Tuesday 16 January 2018, 5.30pm
01 Oct 2017

Holbein's Lute: PhD student delivers public talk at National Gallery.

On Wednesday 20th September 2017 Art History PhD student and lutenist Adam Busiakiewicz presented a public talk on Hans Holbein's The Ambassadors.

The talk focused in on the symbolism and significance of the lute featured within Holbein's enigmatic double portrait. Aside from the broken string which emphasised the growing political discord due to the protestant reformation, Holbein's brilliantly detailed depiction of the instrument provides a thrilling insight into the status of the lute at the court of Henry VIII. The talk was researched in association with London luthiers Sandi Harris and Stephen Barber, who loaned a closely corresponding instrument for the presentation.

Several pieces of contemporary sixteenth century music were performed in front of the painting, including a printed Lutheran hymn which appears within the painting itself.

Lute Presentation at the National Gallery


14 Jul 2017

Dr Alice Eden has given a paper on Frederick Cayley Robinson at the BAMS conference.

Dr Alice Eden presented a paper entitled ‘Frederick Cayley Robinson: Paintings of Life, Death and Still Life’ at this year's conference organised by the British Association of Modernist Studies (BAMS). The conference on the theme of Modernist Life was held at the University of Birmingham earlier this month.

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