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The Projection Project team give talk at Celluloid City weekend at mac Birmingham

As part of Flatpack Film Festival's Celluloid City Weekend at mac Birmingham several members of the research team working on the AHRC funded research project The Projection Project will give talk about their work, and trace a century-spanning history of projection and projectionists, from fairground showmen to contemporary projection mapping. Dr. Jon Burrows and Dr. Michael Pigott will speak on Saturday the 21st at 4pm, and Claire Jesson will introduce a screening of Wim Wenders' Kings of the Road on Sunday at 2pm.

More information here:

And to find out more about The Projection Project, click here:

Dr. Rachel Moseley and Dr. Helen Wheatley give 'Teatime Talk' at Warwick Words Festival of Literature

On Saturday 7 November Dr. Rachel Moseley and Dr. Helen Wheatley gave a 'Teatime Talk' on 'The Story of Children's Television' exhibition at the Herbert Gallery. Helen gave an overview of the early history of children's television in Britain and the Centre's collaboration with the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, whilst Rachel previewed work from her new book Handmade Television: Stop-Frame Animation for Children in Britain, 1961-1974. They greatly enjoyed discussing people's memories of children's television with the audience and the lively discussion that followed about the importance of protecting children's culture at a time of BBC Charter renewal. The event took place at the Friends Meeting House in Warwick, as part of Warwick Words: Festival of Literature and the Spoken Word, and was very well attended and received.

Dr. Helen Wheatley will feature on BBC Radio 4 Today programme on Monday 28 October

Dr. Helen Wheatley will be on the Radio 4 Today programme on Monday morning (October 28th) talking about the Story of Children’s Television exhibition and children’s TV history. Keep an ear out for her between 8.20am and 9am.

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