IGSD Thematic Fellow interview: Playground Cities
Jonathan Clarke, IGSD Thematic FellowLink opens in a new window, was interviewed about flooding on LBC on 18 October. See here: https://youtu.be/CTn7wOkCdlc?si=ioGNa8thmnx2u8D6
Jonathan also features in a recent article in The Independent about Playground Cities. Does the death of the high street matter – if we are in a new era of the ‘Playground City’? | The Independent
Celebrating Research Impact with IGSD
Celebrating Impact once again @uniofwarwick! Impact Newsletter Summer 2023 reminded us that @IGSD_UoW makes a strong impact across the board: Warm congrats to Dr Vangelis Pitidis once again for making a difference in the world as an Early Career Researcher!
IGSD regional engagement - Presentation in Stoke Primary School
On Monday June 19 Dr Vangelis Pitidis visited community members at Stoke Primary school in Ball Hill, Coventry, as part of an internal project focusing on tackling air pollution in the area through participatory research methods. Dr Pitidis discussed the concept and potential practical use of Citizen Science tools and methods to support the engagement and participation of local communities in envirnmental issues, preparing the ground fo the Citizens' Jury sessions that will be taking place on the area later this year. More information about the project can be found here: Link opens in a new window
Championing sustainable development at Warwick
An interview with Elena Korosteleva, the IGSD’s Director, about the role and function of the Institute.
Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities
This is an interview provided by Prof. Jon CoaffeeLink opens in a new window and IGSD's Dr. Vangelis PitidisLink opens in a new window from the University of Warwick, leaders of the EU H2020-funded proJECT RiskPACC Work Package 2 '“Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities”. In this interview WP2 leaders present the outcomes of the work undertaken in the contex of their Work Package, but also express some general ideas regarind the overall contribution of Warwick University in the Project.