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MASc Intensive Projects

On our MASc in Community, Engagement, and Belonging, students have the opportunity to ‘learn by doing’ through an intensive project. We offer a choice of a research dissertation or a community-based learning dissertation. The intensive project enables students to develop a skillset most suited to their future career goals.

What are the MASc intensive projects?

Research Dissertation

The research dissertation allows students to explore the intersection between transdisciplinary knowledge and community outreach/engagement whilst developing a self-guided, original research project. Research dissertations enable students to apply the advanced research skills they acquired from other modules whilst enhancing their

independent research and critical-thinking skills.

Read more about our Research Dissertation.

Community-Based Learning Dissertation

The community-based learning dissertation enables students to explore the intersections of transdisciplinary knowledge and its social engagement through community fieldwork.

Students will need to submit a prospectus outlining their project and its timeline prior to beginning their fieldwork. They will need to complete 125 hours of community-based fieldwork before submitting final written outputs.

Read more about our Community-Based Learning Dissertation.Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window

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Discover some of the exciting capstone projects led by our first cohort of MASc students:

Sakina Haider

Lils Dobber

We look forward to adding more of our students' work to this page in time!