Green Micro-Mobility Project

Sustrans: STO
Following on from my MASc Capstone project, I'm really excited to announce that I have a job offer from the wheeling and walking charity, Sustrans, to become Senior Technical Officer England South, making feasibility reports very much like my final dissertation
Capstone: final output
My final report was structured as a consultancy style report, with a data section, an initial proposal critiqued by interviews, and then a final proposal. The last section included tables describing infrastructure improvements that could (and as I argued should) be made for a protected cycle route from the University of Warwick into Coventry city center.

.My dissertation can be read at this linkLink opens in a new window
Project Context
The Division of Global Sustainable Development (GSD) believes issue-based, response focused Education for Global Sustainable Development (ESD) offers a fundamental contribution to change and transformation. As such we often employ Living-Laboratory Pedagogies.
Within this approach to ESD, the GSD Division is partnering with local and regional stakeholders - such as Coventry City Council and the University of Warwick's Bicycle User Group (BUG) - and leveraging student research and project-based learning, to support a modal shift in mobility: encouraging the greater uptake of cycling both on campus and beyond.
This work supports the University's Climate Emergency Declaration, the Way to Sustainable, as well as promotes more active travel for human health and wellbeing. The project also integrates into the City of Culture 2021, building on the mobility theme and place-making based on the history of bike production and cycling in the city's history: such as the "Rover Safety Bicycle".
Read more about the Project's background and overall progress here

Work Package 1: Campus Cyclability
The project supports the continual improvement of cyclability on campus for learners, staff and other users of our infrastructure. The aim of this work package is to engage stakeholders in continual dialogue and promote participatory decision-making on strategic developments, as well as short-term improvements that support more people to obtain a high quality and attractive cycling experience around the University campus.
Have your say: How can the cyclability of campus be improved?
Facts and Updates
- There are 3,500 cycle parking spaces in over 150 locations around the University.
- The University hosts seven of West Midlands Cycle Hire (WMCH) docking stations; with wider collection and deposit cites at Coventry Railway Station and the city centre.
- There is a highly active membership of the Bicycle User Group (BUG) who can be reached via their website and/or Teams Channel.
Getting Creative with SustainabilityLink opens in a new window: Funding art based community engagement.
- Modern Records Centre (MRC) contributes to understanding of cycling and female empowerment.
- Students from Warwick Business School have been recognised for their innovation in the development of a prize-winning GreenBike Filter, which cleans polluted air as people pedal around cities.
- GSD students have produced research that more widely enhances cyclability as part of a much-needed modal shift.
Resources and Data
- Coventry Council City Cycle Map (2014)
Cyclestreets Bikedata Maps, citizen science data on cycle accidents, obstacles and improvement opportunities
- WidenMyPath, a participatory platform for suggestions about infrastructural improvement
- Six reasons to build cycle lanes
Work Package 2: Cyclability Beyond the Campus
The University of Warwick has invested significantly in the local and regional co-construction of cycling infrastructure. The cyclability project will support this existing work by coordinating student-led research and development projects that further support the development of physical infrastructure and social reorganisation to promote modal shift. The overall ambition is that the City of Coventry might once again be recognised as a central hub of cycling innovation in the UK. Components of the project include:
- Developing a City Region Cycle Master Plan
- Coventry Cycle Super Highway connecting the University of Warwick with the City of Culture
Project Team

Alban Luffman
- Senior Postgraduate Project Consultant
- Current MASc in Global Sustainable Development student

Dr Alastair Smith
- Academic Advisor
- Senior Teaching Fellow in Global Sustainable Development
Undergraduate Consultancy Team
The Greenway Micromobitiy project is additionally supported by a team of undergraduate learners completing the Certificate of Sustainability ConsultingLink opens in a new window, allocated this project as their client. The team is composed of Rex Chiu, Annabelle Early, Kathryn Files, Marina Therese Eleftheria Haralambous. Ifa Latifa and Avi Shah.
Are you a member of staff, UG or PG student inspired by our passion for cyclability? Do you have ideas for the development of our project or want to get involved: as a URSS project, a final year dissertation, or perhaps you see opportuniites to use our living laboratories as part of your module or degree? As a member of the community do you have thoughts and comments on our work, perhaps possible projects that you believe would beefit your communtity? If so, please get in touch!