UoW to Coventry "Super Greenway"

Background to the Coventry Micro-mobility Super Greenway
The University of Warwick (Uow) was built on land that straddled the boundary between the City of Coventry and the County of Warwickshire. Since the decision to name the new institution the University of Warwick, the campus has remained more detatched than physically and socially integrated with the City that hosts half of its operations.
In recent years there have been efforts to promote greater integration. The 2015 Chancellor's CommissionLink opens in a new window considered "the future role of University of Warwick in Coventry", and more recently the University stratergy committed to regional impact, then becoming a significant partner in the Coventry City of Culture 2021 programLink opens in a new window.
Aspirations to better physically connect Uow with the City of Coventry abound. In compliment to often muted light rail connection the Cycle Super Highway component of the Cyclability project work package "Beyond the Campus" aims to build participatory research to support the imporvement of connectivity between the University Campus and the City Center, while also enhacing ecosystem services through buidling the City's Green space.
You can read more about the possibilities for
Program of Work
Within the Micro-mobility Super Greenway program, we currently have three components to our work:

Participatory Research: Community Knowledge and Proposals