Big Data "Drive"
Our big data project partners with Strava. This way we can add to existing user data to ensure the largest and most representative micromobility dataset possible. You can learning more about this methedology on the Strava website hereLink opens in a new window. Please select the tab that is most appropiate to you:
Don't yet have a Strava App and Account
First, get the app by following the correct link below:
Get Strava for IPhone,Link opens in a new window then sign up for a free account to track your activitiesLink opens in a new window
Get Strava for Android,Link opens in a new window then sign up for a free account to track your activitiesLink opens in a new window
Now you are connected to the wider community, select the other tab to get instantly involved in generating data for our project on wider anlaysis.
TFWM Uni report
A Transport For West Midlands publication (2021), that sees the University of Warwick as a future transport zone to showcase sustainable transport technology. Through visual graphics, it highlights time efficiency and flexibility as key considerations. I'm looking forward going to the WMG conference on micro-mobility on the 9th of June
Sustrans West Midlands
The Cycling and walking index 2021 done by Sustrans (May 2022) has shown how the West Midlands is a region where micromobility has increased, but that communities feel more can be done: 58% want to see more cycle routes, and 77% want to see the creation of 20 minute neighbourhoods. The latter I want to explore as a concept for modal shift towards micro-mobility
Bike to work week
6th June is cycle to work week! As the University of Warwick Bicycle User Group has highlighted, not enough has been done by the University to promote. This reminds me of the 2008 mode change report (see project lead tab) that highlights the importance of publicity in making a difference
The Locations:
By counting the number of cyclists and scooter users going over the A45 at the roundabout (location 1), we can make the case to stakeholders that more investment needs to be put into this route. By showing that the underpass is used (location 2), the project aims to suggest this as a new route coming from campus, since it is more accessible than crossing the A45. The third location is on campus and will count how many cyclists go to the Sports centre along the gravel path (location 3).

First and Second year student audits
As part of their Warwick Sustainability Certificate, second and first year GSD students have volunteered to audit the number of micro-mobility users.
This may also include monitoring bike rack usage on campus, to work out where are the best sites and most in need!