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All Rare Earth Elements Education Resources

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Economic Extraction, Recovery, and Upgrading of Rare Earth Elements from Coal-Based Resources

A Powerpoint produced by researchers at the University of Utah and introduces the economic extraction, recovery, and upgrading of REE

The Rare Earth Elements by the British Geological Survey

A report produced by the Natural Environmental Research Council of Britain. It talks every aspects of REE, such as chemistry, extraction, trading in the UK

China’s Growing Conflict with the WTO: The Case of Export Restrictions on Rare Earth Resources

An interesting article discusses the trading of REE, and how China violates WTO regulations in REE trading

Mon 28 Feb 2022, 10:43 | Tags: Business, China, Economics, Rare Earth Mining, Statistics

China’s rare earth exports surge past pre-coronavirus levels, despite Western push to diversify supply

An article discusses the increase production of REE in China and the impacts to the REE industry

U.S. dependence on China's rare earth: Trade war vulnerability

An article discusses the trading war between China and US

Mon 28 Feb 2022, 10:41 | Tags: Business, China, Economics, Statistics, US

Rare Earths in the Trade Dispute Between the US and China: A Deja Vu

An article discusses the trade drama between China and the US, including interesting statistics

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