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Names at Warwick

Names matter. Getting people's name right is an important sign of respect, whilst getting it wrong can cause significant discomfort or distress.

What is a 'chosen name'?

Your chosen name is simply the name you wish others to use to refer to you. It may or may not be the same as your legal name.

People's chosen name may be different to their legal first name if:

  • They use a middle name instead of their legal first name.
  • They are trans and have not updated their birth-assigned legal name.
  • They have chosen to use an Anglicised version of their legal name.
  • They have chosen to use a different name in association with their academic work.
  • They prefer a name other than their legal name.

A person's chosen name should be used to refer to them wherever possible. There are only a minority of contexts where it is necessary to know and/or use a person's legal name.

You may also see the term 'preferred name' used, including in the systems and processes introduced below. We use the term 'chosen name' rather than 'preferred name' since many people's names are more than a simple preference; their chosen name is the name they use, and which others should use consistently for them.

How can I update my staff/student record?

Updating your chosen name

You can update your chosen name yourself, at any time, in the MyData section of Student Records Online (for students) or SuccessFactors (for staff). You do not need to provide the University with any evidence to update your chosen name.

For students

Within the MyData section of Student Records Online, in the 'Edit my personal data' panel choose 'Edit my preferred name' and enter your chosen name in the 'Preferred first name' box. [There is currently no way to provide a preferred family name/surname for students.]

For staff

In SuccessFactors, from the dashboard choose 'My Profile' and click the edit icon in the 'Personal Information' section, then enter your chosen name(s) in the 'Preferred Given Name' and/or 'Preferred Family Name' box.

For alumni

Your relationship with Warwick does not end when you graduate. You can update your chosen name with the alumni engagement team by completing this personal details form.

Updating your title

You can update your title in the MyData section of Student Records Online (for students) or SuccessFactors (for staff). You do not need to provide the University with any evidence to update your title, unless it is an academic title or honorific.

For students

Within the MyData section of Student Records Online, in the 'Edit my personal data' panel choose 'Request change to record held for name and title' and choose your new title from the 'New title' dropdown box (which includes the gender-neutral title 'Mx'), or tick the 'leave title field blank' tickbox below.

If you are changing your title to an academic title or honorific, email relevant evidence to or bring a copy in person to the Student Reception located in Senate House, and a member of the Student Records team will review and approve the changes.

For staff

In SuccessFactors, from the dashboard choose 'My Profile' and click the edit icon in the 'Personal Information' section, then enter your title in the 'Salutation' box.

If you are changing your title to an academic title or honorific, upload relevant evidence in the 'Documentation' section below. The documentation will be reviewed, and the changes approved, by a colleague in HR.

Updating your legal name

You can update your legal name in the MyData section of Student Records Online (for students) or SuccessFactors (for staff). You will need to provide the University with evidence of a legal name change, such as a deed poll or statutory declaration.

If you are trans, you can ask for your former name to be redacted from your University record. Contact Claire Algar in Social Inclusion to discuss this.

For students

Within the MyData section of Student Records Online, in the 'Edit my personal data' panel choose 'Request change to record held for name and title' and enter and your new legal name in the 'New Forename #' and/or 'New Surname' boxes.

You will also need to email relevant evidence (such a deed poll*, statutory declaration or marriage certificate) to, where a member of the Student Records team will review and approve the changes.

* Your deed poll does not need to be enrolled with the courts to be used as evidence.

For staff

In SuccessFactors, from the dashboard choose 'My Profile' and click the edit icon in the 'Personal Information' section, then enter your new legal name(s) in the 'Given Name', 'Middle Name(s)', 'Family Name' and 'Initials' boxes.

You will also need to upload evidence of your legal name change in the 'Documentation' section below. The documentation will be reviewed, and the changes approved, by a colleague in HR.

Collecting a new staff card?

If you have uploaded your profile photo, this will be used to verify your identity when collecting your staff card. To upload your profile photo, log into the University's website, and click on your name displayed at the top right. In the dropdown, select the profile image placeholder in the 'My Account' section, or visit directly.

If you have not uploaded your profile photo, you will need a form of photographic ID to collect your staff card.

Where will my chosen name and legal name data be used?

Where your chosen name will be used

The University recognises that your chosen name is the correct name to use for you wherever possible, and has committed to ensuring that chosen names (rather than legal names) are used within our community except where absolutely necessary. You should therefore expect that your chosen name will be used in most circumstances, including:

  • Email and postal communications
  • University ID cards
  • Office365, including Microsoft Teams and Outlook profiles
  • Warwick People Search
  • Tabula
  • Email address (currently by request)
  • Accommodation contracts
  • Department pigeonholes
  • Registers
  • Registrations forms
  • Staff and student profiles
  • Graduation and award ceremonies (currently by request)
  • Interactions with other members of the University community

Where your legal name data will be used

There are some circumstances where it is necessary to use legal name data, due to legal requirements or external constraints, including:

  • Official transcripts and awards, including degree certificates
  • Payroll and billing
  • Overseas travel bookings and associated documents
  • Immigration documents
  • Certificate of student status letter

What updates are automatic, and which need to be requested manually?

Most University systems sync to the central staff and/or student databases. If you change your chosen name and/or title on your central staff or student record (as above), that change should be automatically transmitted to most other University systems. Some systems (like Office365) will update within 24 hours, whilst others may take a few days depending on how regularly they sync to the central database(s).

However, there are some updates you will currently need to request manually, including:

  • The name called at your graduation ceremony: Contact the Awards & Ceremonies team directly to update your name in the ceremony schedule.
  • University ID card: Once you have updated your chosen name, any subsequent University ID card will use it. However, a new University ID card will not be printed for you automatically. You will need to request a new card manually.
  • Default email address: Whilst your Outlook profile will update automatically, and an email addresss based on your chosen name will be created, you will need to contact the IT helpdesk to request that your new email address is set as your default email address.
  • moodleX: This platform does not sync to the central databases. You will need to update your name manually within your moodleX profile.
  • SU profile email address: Visit your SU profile page to add your new Warwick email address and set it as default. You will need to confirm your new email address, and then you can remove your prior email address.
  • Departmental pigeonholes: If your department has named pigeonholes, you will need to request that your department re-label your pigeonhole.
  • Paper-based records: Whilst such records should be minimal, there may be some printed records that refer to you by name. Your tutor or HR adviser can support you in identifying and correcting such records.

How to report name data errors

Please report any instances where your legal name is used when it should not have been. For example, if you receive an email addressed to your legal name (where different from your chosen name on the University system).

You can report an error by:

  • Contacting Claire Algar in the Social Inclusion team.
  • Emailing the Queering University programme lead, Sam Parr.
  • Contacting a member of the relevant University service, if known.
  • Raising an askHR ticket within SuccessFactors (for staff).

This resource was created as part of the Queering University programme, in collaboration with the Community Values Education Programme's Say my Name project which offers additional guidance and resources relating to respectful interactions around names.

Related Say My Name resources: