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Trans Visitors to Warwick

Welcome to the University of Warwick

Everyone in our community has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment or bullying. We speak out and challenge inappropriate behaviour, and encourage, equip and support people to do so.

Our Dignity Principles set out our expectations for behaviour within our community. If you experience any inappropriate behaviour during your time at the University, we encourage you to report it and access support.

Names, pronouns, and personal data

At the University, people's chosen names and pronouns will be respected. A person's legal name will be requested/used only where it's absolutely necessary.

We recognise that a person's legal name and demographic data (including gender and trans status) can be sensitive data and should be held confidentially. Trans people are not required to disclose their trans status to the University, but if they choose to their trans status will not be disclosed without their consent.

We offer free pronoun badges for staff, students, and visitors to our campus. Within the University, gender-neutral language should be used by default, rather than assuming a person's gender.

Where titles are requested, the option to use 'Mx' or no title will be available. Where a person's gender is requested, the options 'Non-Binary', 'Other' and 'Prefer not to say' will be available.

Our Trans Policy sets out associated rights and responsibilities, as well as the support available to trans people at Warwick.

Gendered and gender-neutral facilities and spaces

At the University, we recognise people's right to self-determination of gender. Trans people should access on-campus facilities aligned with their gender identity, including changing rooms and toilets. Where female/male-only spaces exist at the University they are open to all who self-define as female/male.

The University has all-gender (gender-neutral) toilet facilities in many on-campus buildings, and private all-gender (gender-neutral) changing rooms in its sports facilities. A directory of all-gender toilets and changing rooms on campus can be found here, which are also marked on the campus map.

Trans community at Warwick

More than 1% of Warwick students are trans, and there is a thriving community of trans students and staff at the University. You might want to make contact with the LGBTQUIA+ Staff Network and/or the LGBTQUIA+ Students' Association (Warwick Pride) during your visit to the University.

Trans representatives ensure that the interests of our trans community are well-represented within the University (and beyond). If you would like to discuss an issue affecting trans people at the University, you may want to contact the Trans Students' Officer or Sam Parr, co-chair of the LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce.

There is a liberation space on the top floor of SUHQ, for underrepresented communities at the University to meet, talk, and organise. There is a free library of LGBTQUIA+ related books in the SU liberation space.

Got a question about being trans at Warwick? Contact us via

Want to know more about being trans at Warwick?

Whilst there is information in our 'Guide to Being Trans at Warwick' applicable only to staff and students at the University, it offers a more detailed look at relevant processes and support available to trans people at Warwick.

Want to know more about the Queering University programme?

The programme supports staff and students at the University to develop, implement, share and sustain queer pedagogies and perspectives. It encourages teaching & learning, pastoral, and other practices that are inclusive of LGBTQUIA+ people, and improves understanding in the classroom and wider university settings.

News & Events

New resources: LGBTQ+ Inclusive Teaching Model & Prompts

Our paired resources offer a practical introduction to using the Ward-Gale model for LGBTQ+ inclusive teaching & learning, alongside a set of reflective questions as prompts to assist you implementing the model in your teaching & learning practices.