function h=plplot(x, xmin, alpha) % PLPLOT visualizes a power-law distributional model with empirical data. % Source: % % PLPLOT(x, xmin, alpha) plots (on log axes) the data contained in x % and a power-law distribution of the form p(x) ~ x^-alpha for % x >= xmin. For additional customization, PLPLOT returns a pair of % handles, one to the empirical and one to the fitted data series. By % default, the empirical data is plotted as 'bo' and the fitted form is % plotted as 'k--'. PLPLOT automatically detects whether x is composed % of real or integer values, and applies the appropriate plotting % method. For discrete data, if min(x) > 50, PLFIT uses the continuous % approximation, which is a reliable in this regime. % % Example: % xmin = 5; % alpha = 2.5; % x = xmin.*(1-rand(10000,1)).^(-1/(alpha-1)); % h = plplot(x,xmin,alpha); % % For more information, try 'type plplot' % % See also PLFIT, PLVAR, PLPVA % Version 1.0 (2008 February) % Copyright (C) 2008 Aaron Clauset (Santa Fe Institute) % Distributed under GPL 2.0 % % PLFIT comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY % % No notes % % reshape input vector x = reshape(x,numel(x),1); % initialize storage for output handles h = zeros(2,1); % select method (discrete or continuous) for plotting if isempty(setdiff(x,floor(x))), f_dattype = 'INTS'; elseif isreal(x), f_dattype = 'REAL'; else f_dattype = 'UNKN'; end; if strcmp(f_dattype,'INTS') && min(x) > 50, f_dattype = 'REAL'; end; % estimate xmin and alpha, accordingly switch f_dattype, case 'REAL', n = length(x); c = [sort(x) (n:-1:1)'./n]; q = sort(x(x>=xmin)); cf = [q (q./xmin).^(1-alpha)]; cf(:,2) = cf(:,2) .* c(find(c(:,1)>=xmin,1,'first'),2); figure; h(1) = loglog(c(:,1),c(:,2),'bo','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 1]); hold on; h(2) = loglog(cf(:,1),cf(:,2),'k--','LineWidth',2); hold off; xr = [10.^floor(log10(min(x))) 10.^ceil(log10(max(x)))]; xrt = (round(log10(xr(1))):2:round(log10(xr(2)))); if length(xrt)<4, xrt = (round(log10(xr(1))):1:round(log10(xr(2)))); end; yr = [10.^floor(log10(1/n)) 1]; yrt = (round(log10(yr(1))):2:round(log10(yr(2)))); if length(yrt)<4, yrt = (round(log10(yr(1))):1:round(log10(yr(2)))); end; set(gca,'XLim',xr,'XTick',10.^xrt); set(gca,'YLim',yr,'YTick',10.^yrt,'FontSize',16); ylabel('Pr(X \geq x)','FontSize',16); xlabel('x','FontSize',16) case 'INTS', n = length(x); q = unique(x); c = hist(x,q)'./n; c = [[q; q(end)+1] 1-[0; cumsum(c)]]; c(c(:,2)<10^-10,:) = []; cf = ((xmin:q(end))'.^-alpha)./(zeta(alpha) - sum((1:xmin-1).^-alpha)); cf = [(xmin:q(end)+1)' 1-[0; cumsum(cf)]]; cf(:,2) = cf(:,2) .* c(c(:,1)==xmin,2); figure; h(1) = loglog(c(:,1),c(:,2),'bo','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 1]); hold on; h(2) = loglog(cf(:,1),cf(:,2),'k--','LineWidth',2); hold off; xr = [10.^floor(log10(min(x))) 10.^ceil(log10(max(x)))]; xrt = (round(log10(xr(1))):2:round(log10(xr(2)))); if length(xrt)<4, xrt = (round(log10(xr(1))):1:round(log10(xr(2)))); end; yr = [10.^floor(log10(1/n)) 1]; yrt = (round(log10(yr(1))):2:round(log10(yr(2)))); if length(yrt)<4, yrt = (round(log10(yr(1))):1:round(log10(yr(2)))); end; set(gca,'XLim',xr,'XTick',10.^xrt); set(gca,'YLim',yr,'YTick',10.^yrt,'FontSize',16); ylabel('Pr(X \geq x)','FontSize',16); xlabel('x','FontSize',16) otherwise, fprintf('(PLPLOT) Error: x must contain only reals or only integers.\n'); h = []; return; end;