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Computing for Historians: Course Exercises

Exercise 1 

  • Open excel and on a blank worksheet enter the following information:
  • Enter your first name in cell B2.
  • Move the mouse pointer to the fill handle of B2 and drag the cell along to G2
  • In cell C4 enter ‘January’. Click and drag the fill handle of C4 down to C15.
  • In cell E5 enter ‘Sunday’ and then using the keyboard increase the range to K5.
    Fill the range using ‘autofill’ within the ‘Fill Series’ options.
  • Save this exercise and compare it to the correct information in the demonstration at the end of the self-assesment presentation for Section 1.

Exercise 2 

  • Open the file ‘exercise.xls’
  • Use autosum to calculate the total for the figures listed, and then the appropriate function listed under ‘more functions’ to calculate the mean, median and mode in the boxes provided.
  • Ensure that the range is correct for each calculation: for example, do not include the ‘total’ figure when completing the mean calculation
  • Save your results and compare with the demonstration at the end of the self-assesment presentation for Section 2.




Exercise 3 

  • Open the workbook ‘census.xls’: this is the same workbook used in the section 3 presentation. Using the skills you have learned so far:
  • By copying the relevant information from the worksheet to a new worksheet within the census workbook, calculate the mean, median and mode ages of married women between the ages of 16 and 55 (inclusive).
  • Save your results and compare with the demonstration at the end of the self-assesment presentation for Section 3.
  • Spend some time analysing the census data with the skills you have learned so far. You may wish to consider how this form of analysis could be used in your work on a current essay topic.

Exercise 4 

  • Open the ‘census.xls’ workbook.
  • Select data on men who are agricultural labourers using the filtering process shown in section 3. Open a new worksheet and copy and paste the selected data to create a table showing the names and ages of these male agricultural labourers.
  • Complete a frequency count table of the different ages of these men: Save your results and compare with the demonstration at the end of the self-assesment presentation for Section 4.




Exercise 5 

  • Open the ‘exercise 4’ worksheet in the ‘France.xls’ workbook. Set up a chart, using chart wizard to reflect the data on offences and offenders clearly.
  • NB: find a chart type that will allow you to show the total number of offences per category SUBDIVIDED into male and female offenders.
  • Save your results and compare with the demonstration at the end of the self-assesment presentation for Section 5.
  • As a further exercise in analysis, you may wish to think about some of the reasons for the differences in crimes between men and women.

Exercise 6  

  • Open a new blank document in Word. Give it the title ‘Computing for Historians’ and type the following text:-
    This is an exercise on importing images and charts into a Word document. 
  • Next, import and resize a chart, possibly the one completed in exercise 5.
  • Also import the image ‘workers.jpg’ into the same word document. Again, resize, ensuring that both the chart and image appear neatly and correctly labelled, on one page.
  • Save the finished document and compare with the demonstration at the end of the self-assesment presentation for Section 6.