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IAS Africa Initiative

Warwick is tasked via the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) to develop research collaborations with nations on the DAC list of ODA recipients. The research must address “the challenges faced by developing countries”.

  • See right for list of ways that IAS can help colleagues in developing such proposals.
  • This page is a continuous work in progress - please comment below or email IAS contacts with suggestions.


Proposals in this area to our schemes should demonstrate adherence to the following:

  • Mutuality - In the event of a future proposal being funded there are obvious gains for Warwick and the partner, but at this early stage we need to consider the immediate benefits to the partner and the up-front costs to them in e.g. facilitation of visits.
  • Co-design - The planned GCRF proposals should be clearly co-designed with the African nation partner. We should avoid cementing the inequalities of power arising from differences in resource and capacity.
  • Risk-readiness - Colleagues are encouraged to try new speculative approaches. Correspondingly we do not expect all IAS-funded projects to lead to a GCRF proposal.

Warwick academic community on Africa

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IAS Support for GCRF Proposal Development

GCRF Fellowships - African Nations - outgoing fellowships that aim to to help Warwick staff co-develop new research collaborations with Institutions in African nations

International Visiting Fellowships - incoming fellowships that can be used to bring African researchers, policy makers, representatives of the arts, business, government and industry to Warwick.

Residential Fellowships - to bring collaborators to Warwick for a short, intensive stay e.g. to expedite a proposal.

IAS Awards - provide up to £5000 to help colleagues develop new research ideas, collaborations, funding streams, outputs and impact. We particularly encourage ambitious and innovative ventures that are not yet at the stage where they can be funded externally