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  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at Queen Mary University of London, please contact Professor David Schalkwyk, Chair in Shakespeare Studies at QMUL.
  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at the University of Warwick, please head to the Global Shakespeare Research Group.

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    Professor Jerry Brotton talks Shakespeare & Islam at Hay Festival

    This year's Hay Festival launched 'Shakespeare 450', a series of events celebrating the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth. Jerry Brotton kicked off the series on May 24th with a talk on Shakespeare and Islam, attended by over 200 people. It was covered on BBC Arabic TV and BBC4's documentary 'Hay: the town that loved books', broadcast on June 1. (skip to 41.50)

    Jerry also interviewed Toni Morrison about Shakespeare in front of a rapt audience. They discussed her recent play, 'Desdemona', which reimagined Desdemona and Othello's relationship in the afterlife.

    Tue 03 Jun 2014, 21:34