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This page is part of the Global Shakespeare archive. Find out more...

  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at Queen Mary University of London, please contact Professor David Schalkwyk, Chair in Shakespeare Studies at QMUL.
  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at the University of Warwick, please head to the Global Shakespeare Research Group.

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    Shakespeare in Venice Summer School

    A unique full immersion experience is aimed at creating the first historical production of the play in the Ghetto of Venice in the year of its quincentennial (1516-2016). David Schalkwyk and Jerry Brotton of Global Shakespeare will both be leading workshops as part of this project which is led by Shaul Bassi at Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia- for more details, a full list of the scholars involved and how to apply click here.

    Wed 12 Nov 2014, 10:33