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  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at Queen Mary University of London, please contact Professor David Schalkwyk, Chair in Shakespeare Studies at QMUL.
  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at the University of Warwick, please head to the Global Shakespeare Research Group.

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    Global Shakespeare welcomes new Fulbright Distinguished Chair for 2016/16, Professor Doug Lanier

    Douglas M. Lanier, UNH Professor of English, has received the Global Shakespeare Centre Distinguished Chair Fulbright award to enable him to study, lecture and research at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), and the University of Warwick on one of the most prestigious and selective scholarship programs operating world-wide.

    As a participant, Douglas Lanier has been selected from a strong applicant pool to work on a book on screen adaptations of “Othello” from across the globe and to teach classes at QMUL and University of Warwick.

    “Upon learning I received the award, I was elated and gratified,” said Lanier. “I am delighted to have an opportunity to study the adaptation of Shakespeare’s works in what is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world and at a time when global Shakespeare has become so vibrant a field of scholarly study and audience interest. I hope this work will broaden my perspective on Shakespeare’s extraordinary cultural reach and provide me with material to enrich my classes and research for years to come.”

    The US-UK Fulbright Commission is the only bi-lateral, transatlantic scholarship program, offering awards for study or research in any field, at any accredited US or UK university. The Commission is part of the Fulbright program conceived by Senator J. William Fulbright in the aftermath of World War II to promote leadership, learning and empathy between nations through educational exchange.

    The Commission selects scholars through a rigorous application and interview process. In making these awards the Commission looks not only for academic excellence but a focused application, a range of extracurricular and community activities, demonstrated ambassadorial skills, a desire to further the Fulbright Program and a plan to give back to the recipient’s home country upon returning.

    “I know our 2016 cohort will do us great credit during their time here in the UK and beyond,” says Penny Egan CBE, Executive Director, US-UK Fulbright Commission.Only exceptional scholars and students win Fulbright awards, one of the world’s most competitive merit-based international scholarships. In the 70th year of the ‘Special Relationship’ being coined by Winston Churchill, we are proud to welcome the best of American academia to the UK.”

    [Original article here]

    Thu 09 Jun 2016, 08:39