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  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at Queen Mary University of London, please contact Professor David Schalkwyk, Chair in Shakespeare Studies at QMUL.
  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at the University of Warwick, please head to the Global Shakespeare Research Group.

    Armenian Shakespeare Association: Call for papers

    Shakespeare 2016: the Enigma of Endurance

    Yerevan, 1-3 October 2016

    Confirmed keynote speakers: Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Professor David Schalkwyk (Queen Mary University of London), Professor Emil Sirbulsecu (University of Craiova), Associate Professor Nicoleta Cinpoes (Worcester University), Professor Henrik Edoyan and Professor Sona Seferian (Yerevan State University), and others

    The Armenian Shakespeare Association (ASA), is delighted to invite Shakespearean scholars, translators, theatre critics, directors, actors, and research students across the world to Armenia’s capital Yerevan for the International Shakespeare Conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death.

    The conference will take place during the well-established International Theatre Festival in Yerevan, with dozens of foreign and local theatre companies performing in various languages.

    Expenses covered by the organisers: transport between Yerevan International airport and the hotel, lunches and snacks, daily sightseeing tours and guided visits to museums with multi-lingual guides as well as evening entertainment. Flights to and from Armenia and accommodation are not covered. There is no visa required for EU citizens, for other countries, visit:

    We recommend arrival to Yerevan on the 29th to early 30th September for the conference opening on the 30th September 2016. For those travelling from the UK, we can arrange flight group booking - departing London 29 September, returning 3rd or 4th October.We would appreciate if those interested could fill the application form and email it as soon as possible and before 15 July 2016.

    Abstracts of 300 to 500 words can be submitted via email by 15 July 2016.

    The conference welcomes the following seminar themes:

    • Shakespeare and the Renaissance Drama
    • Shakespeare 400 Celebrations in Britain and across the world
    • Shakespeare and Performance: theatre, cinema, music and dance
    • Shakespeare in Translation (translators particularly welcome)
    • Transcultural Shakespeare: national perceptions, local adaptations, cultural impacts

    For all enquiries and to apply, please email

    Registration fee: £80 (payable in summer)

    Wed 18 May 2016, 09:53

    A Celebration of Bangla Shakespeare

    Global Shakespeare will host a Celebration of Bangla Shakespeare as part of the 2016 Queen Mary University of London Community Festival, at the Kobi Nazrul Community Centre in Tower Hamlets, Sunday 22 May, starting at 7 p.m.

    Please come along and join us!

    Bangla Shakespeare flier

    Mon 16 May 2016, 16:01

    Mickey B: Shakespeare in a Northern Irish Prison, with Q and A with Director Tom Magill

    Mickey B: Shakespeare in a Northern Irish Prison, with Q and A with Director Tom Magill
    Tuesday 3 May, 16:30 - 20:00
    Millburn House, A0.28
    Screening of Mickey B and the Making of Mickey B: 16:30 - 18:00
    Q&A: 18:00 - 19:00
    Wine reception: 19:00 - 20:00
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    Tom Magill is an inspiring speaker—engaging, articulate, and thought-provoking when discussing his work and the turbulent life experience that inspired it. Magill directs adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays that are filmed and performed by inmates and prison staff at correctional institutions, most famously Mickey B, an adaptation of Macbeth filmed at Maghaberry Maximum Security Prison in Northern Ireland. His work explores the potential of Shakespearean performance to promote cooperation, self-reflection, and rehabilitation among people serving prison sentences. Magill's films form part of the fascinating and increasingly visible sub-genre of Shakespeare studies referred to as ‘Shakespeare in Prisons,’ which has inspired documentary films, scholarly monographs, and public debate. Mickey B has been screened throughout the world, including at academic conferences at universities like Princeton and Notre Dame in the US, and has been the subject of numerous academic articles.
    Gates MB still
    Fri 29 Apr 2016, 08:26

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