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This page is part of the Global Shakespeare archive. Find out more...

  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at Queen Mary University of London, please contact Professor David Schalkwyk, Chair in Shakespeare Studies at QMUL.
  • For more information on global Shakespeare studies at the University of Warwick, please head to the Global Shakespeare Research Group.

    "Should Shakespeare be Censored for Sensitive Times" most read piece in QMUL Arts Faculty

    Preti Taneja, Global Shakespeare Research Fellow's recent article for The Conversation 'Should Shakespeare be Censored for Sensitive Times' has now had 99,510 readers, making it the most read piece by an Arts faculty member at QMUL. The piece was syndicated and picked up by The Washington Post and others and it is also the first time a piece from The Conversation has been picked up and syndicated to Newsweek. Read the article here.

    Fri 20 Mar 2015, 13:00

    Shakespeare's Untranslatiblity- David opens exhibition in Leiden

    Last week Global Shakespeare Director, David Schalkwyk gave the opening address at the launch of the new web exhibition, "Translating Shakespeare across the Globe", by the Special Collections of the University of Leiden Library.
    David's talk was entitled "Shakespeare's Untranslatability?" in which he argues that under some circumstances a translation of Shakespeare may be regarded as being better than the original (a case he made for Uys Krige's Afrikaans translation, Twaalfde Nag, of Twelfth Night) and that English-speakers need access to a second language into which Shakespeare has been translated to understand the English dramatist properly. The exhibition and details of the event may be accessed here. David's talk is available here.
    Thu 12 Mar 2015, 15:15

    Film screening of Otel.lo this Thursday

    Global Shakespeare in partnership with the Centre for Catalan Studies at Queen Mary are pleased to be hosting a film screening of Otel.lo and Q&A with Director, Hammudi Al Rahmoun Font. The event will be held on Thursday 5th March at 15.15 at the Hitchcock Cinema, Arts One, G19, Queen Mary University of London.

    In his award-winning debut film 'Otel·lo', Catalan director Hammudi al Rahmoun Font channels Shakespeare's 'Othello' to engage with and critique cinema's 'Masters' Orson Wells and Alfred Hitchcock. With a young cast depending on him, al Rhamoun Font charts the director's compulsion to blur the lines of trust so he can get the film he wants. But at what cost? Dealing with old themes of sexual exploitation, the male gaze, and the enormity of the director's ego in a fresh way, the film charts the descent of rehearsals for a production of Othello into a battle of race and gender relationships. Gripping and provocative, this film is an unforgettable exploration of sexism and racism for modern times.

    Winner - Best European Independent Film, ECU - European Independent Film Festival 2013
    (In Catalan with English subtitles. Running time: 69 mins)

    All are welcome but places are limited. Please email to register your interest.

    Wed 11 Feb 2015, 17:28

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