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Dr Paul Prescott

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Associate Director

Email: p dot prescott at warwick dot ac dot uk

English & Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick


Paul is Associate Professor in the English and Comparative Literary Studies Department at Warwick University and has taught and acted Shakespeare in the UK, Japan, China, Australia and North America.

His research interests lie in Shakespeare in performance, theatre history, the theory and practice of arts criticism, and schools and undergraduate pedagogy. Together with Peter J. Smith and Paul Edmondson he has co-edited a special edition of the journal Shakespeare (Routledge) on British theatre reviewing and a companion volume on international theatre reviewing which formed the 40th Anniversary special edition of Cahiers Élisabéthains (co-edited with Janice Valls-Russell and Peter J. Smith). His monograph Reviewing Shakespeare: Journalism and Performance from the Eighteenth Century to the Present was published in 2013.

In March 2012, with Erin Sullivan (Shakespeare Institute) he launched an AHRC-funded project that sought to gather and analyse audience and community responses to the World Shakespeare Festival and other Shakespeare-related events in the Cultural Olympiad,which resulted in the publication of A Year of Shakespeare (Arden, 2013). This is to be followed by Shakespeare on the Global Stage: Performance and Festivity in the Olympic Year (Arden, 2015).

Paul is currently co-leading a major project called, Shakespeare on the Road with Paul Edmondson (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust) and AJ and Melissa Leon (Misfits-Inc) which celebrated the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth by touring fourteen North American Shakespeare festivals in 60 days over the summer of 2014:

More Info

For more information on Paul visit his full profile page in English & Comparative Literary Studies, Warwick.