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PiP25 Guest Registration

Posters in Parliament 2025 - 5 March 2025 1.30-3.30 pm 
A celebration of British undergraduate research from universities across the country.


Posters in Parliament 2025

On Wednesday 5 March 2025 the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) will be exhibiting undergraduate student research projects in the Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament. Students from 25 universities will have their research projects displayed. The students will be representing the full spectrum of UK universities. The exhibition runs from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, with speeches at 3 pm. Tea, coffee, water and biscuits will be served throughout the event.


The event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate British undergraduate research, as well as to showcase the tremendous progress that the UK has made in this area. BCUR has made a significant contribution to this success and continues to work to promote undergraduate research in all disciplines by providing students with an opportunity to share their research through poster presentations, spoken papers, or through creative outputs such as performances and film.


Please register the details of each guest on a separate form by 22 February 2025.  Guests will be emailed tickets to the event by 28 February 2025.  Each guests will be required to show their ticket and photo ID at the security desk before entering the Posters in Parliament event and before joining any optional morning activity. 


All guests and student presenters are invited to participate in optional morning activities.  Places are distributed on a first come, first served basis.  More information and the booking form at the links below.   

Optional House of Lords walking tour

Optional workshop: Get your voice heard in UK Parliament



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