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Sign-Up for Presentation Training Sessions

This page is relevant to anyone who has chosen either a spoken or a poster format of presenting at WorldCUR-BCUR 2023. If you have chosen to present in a format other than spoken/poster, and need additional guidance or support, please get in touch to discuss the specifics with our team at we'd be more than happy to help!

Presentation format (required)
I confirm that I am able to attend this training session according to my chosen presentation format (required)
I am happy to receive a reminder closer to the training session
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The University of Warwick will process your personal data provided in this online application form for the purposes of processing your application and facilitating your attendance at the training session for presenting at WorldCUR-BCUR 2023, and contacting you with relevant information in relation to the conference and any other news and events about the University, if you have ticked the relevant box above.

Should you no longer wish to be contacted then you may contact us at

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