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Introduction: developing student research skills
Student research is one of the key strategic directions for the overall Education Strategy at the University of Warwick. The University is committed to ensuring all students learn through research engagement to 'ensure that all students…enjoy intellectual stretch, work independently, reach beyond the boundaries of the curriculum and challenge their critical abilities' and this includes expanding the number of students who can access the Undergraduate Research Support Scheme (URSS).
Many types of research that students will be involved with at Warwick will require supervision and therefore expansion of access to and involvement with independent research will require additional members of staff who are able to supervise this research. Supervising student research can also come with its own challenges (and opportunities!) and may require different skill sets, new styles of mentoring and a new approach to research itself. This resource has been built in order to support supervisors of student research and is designed to allow those who are interested in getting involved learn more or fill gaps in their knowledge in a way that complements their own previous experience.
With thanks to WIHEA for their funding of this project, led by Emma Barker (IATL) and Jane Bryan (Law) with student co-leads Chloe Hutchinson (SCAPVC) Emily Nicholson (SCAPVC) and Yi Ting Loo (Maths).
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Quick Links
Benefits of research for students
How can students get involved in research?
Benefits of student research for academics
How can academics get involved in student research?
Helping student researchers to get started
Helping student researchers with ethics
Developing student research skills
Building mentorship and supervision skills
We would value your feedback on this resource and any suggestions for things to add that would further support supervisors of student research.
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