Dr Susan Brock - Academic Manager, 2010-2013
Before coming to Warwick in 2005, Susan was a Librarian, working as Head of Library and Information Resources at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and at the Shakespeare Institute of The University of Birmingham (where she is still an Honorary Fellow). She was for five years Executive Secretary of the International Shakespeare Association. She is a member of Warwick's Centre for the Study of the Renaissance where she has contributed teaching on Elizabethan palaeography.
From 2005-10 Susan was responsible for the delivery of the CAPITAL Centre programme which included a variety of collaborative activities with the Royal Shakespeare Company and other theatre practitioners.
Susan retired from IATL on 31 March 2013. From 1 April 2013 Susan will be working two days a week with the WBS Create team at Warwick Business School.
S dot L dot Brock at warwick dot ac dot uk