Booking a Meeting Room or a Classroom

Booking a Meeting Room or a Classroom
Room information and contact information
Shared Meeting Rooms
SH2.06 and SH2.07 are now shared meeting rooms with a central booking system and shouldn’t be locked during working hours.
The rooms are bookable via Outlook, add the rooms to your calendar view, you can add the room to the location field or invite the relevant resource account as a meeting attendee.
Resource Description:
SH2 Meeting Room, Resource
Email address: (Michelle Kulpa | WIHEA)
Resource Description:
SH2 Meeting Room, Resource
Email address: (Rob McClean | Central Timetabling)
SH2.06 (Capacity 12)
Resource Description:
SH2 Meeting Room MR2.06 (12), Resource
Email address:
SH2.07 (Capacity 8)
Resource Description:
SH2 Meeting Room MR2.07 (8), Resource
Email address:
Other Spaces
For other meeting spaces, see Guide to booking for more information.
For class rooms, you will need to go through central timetabling.Link opens in a new window