About IATL

The core practice of the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) is to support educational innovation at Warwick through collaborative teaching and student research. We enable staff and students to experiment with their teaching and learning in interdisciplinary and international environments.
IATL was established in 2010 when two Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CAPITAL & Reinvention) merged. We create innovative and collaborative pedagogies in interdisciplinary and international environments. You can explore our departmental strategy here.

We have five strands of overlapping activity. Click the links to see example areas of practice:
We created the transdisciplinary pedagogy Open-space Learning and continue to operate a range of teaching spaces that enable social and international learning experiences for all.

We have a core team of cross-faculty academic practitioners, a community of interdisciplinary associate tutors and fellows and a wider network of colleagues, students and alumni who have been directly funded or supported by the Institute. See the full team here.