Caroline Gibson - Deputy Director and Head of Academic Projects and Administration (job-share)
Image by Peter Marsh / ashmorevisuals
Caroline is Deputy Director & Head of Academic Projects and Administration in IATL (job sharing with Joanne Wale). She has a strong interest in undergraduate research and is the co-designer and developer of the award winning International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) and established Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research in 2007. She is Chair of the Student Research Working Group at Warwick and is a member of the Executive Group of the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR). In 2017 Caroline was selected to become a Fellow of the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) and was the lead of the WIHEA Internationalisation Learning Circle.
Caroline has worked at the University since 2006, initially as a Project Manager within the Department of Politics and International Studies, which included the role of FDTL Project Manager for The Scholarship of Engagement for Politics and Project Manager for the ESRC programme on Radicalisation and Violence. Caroline previously held high level administrative posts within the Department of Criminology and the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester and has also run a small academic publishing company, publishing social science research in the areas of criminology, risk management and security management. Caroline has an undergraduate degree in Geography and Geology and more recently gained an MA in Social Research at the University of Warwick.
C dot A dot L dot Gibson at warwick dot ac dot uk
024 761 50067
Senate House