What is IATL?
What is IATL?
The Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL), is an academic department at the University of Warwick. In addition to your home department activities, you can chose to work and study with us.
IATL supports educational innovation at Warwick, collaborating with students and staff across the University. We give you the tools you need to design and carry out your own project and share your research findings through creative mediums, conferences and academic journals. We host interdisciplinary modules, which encourage you to work with staff and students from across the University, to connect your learning to other disciplines in order to tackle larger questions. We are interested in different forms of assessment, including student devised assessment and we work with students to co-create different ways of learning and teaching.
Whatever your department or level of study, you can get involved with IATL in ways which will benefit you as a student at Warwick
Within these welcome pages, you will come across a number of terms, some of which may be new to you, such as interdisciplinarity, co-creation, student research and student devised assessment. We have a wealth of resources to help you understand such terms so that you can be confident in making the most of the opportunities available to you. Once you’ve explored each of the areas below, return to the welcome page and visit the other sections to find out how to connect with us, what activities are available to you and how you can get involved.

IATL is interested in interdisciplinarity in higher education, which encourages students to think across disciplines.
To find out more about what interdisciplinary learning in IATL visit our Interdisciplinary Learning in IATLpage and to discover how to be interdisciplinary and why, check out Warwick's Interdisciplinarity Hub.

Student research and dissemination
Through IATL, opportunities are available for you to undertake a student research project and to share your original findings through our wealth of dissemination opportunities. Connect with audiences worldwide at our International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR), publish your work in Reinvention, and more!
More information about student research, why you should give it a go and the support you can find at Warwick is available via Warwick’s Student Research Hub.

Co-creation is an ethos and practice that Warwick supports across the University, and in IATL staff and students are exploring together what this means and how we can enact it. We value the knowledge and expertise of students and staff and we seek to develop ways in which we can learn together and from each other in our community - we call this 'co-creation'.
If you would like to speak to one of our Student Co-Creation Officers about how you can develop your own co-creation project, and learn from their experiences, you can email IATL.cocreation@warwick.ac.uk.

Student devised assessment
Student Devised Assessment (SDA) is a form of assessment used within most of IATL's modules. It gives students the unique opportunity to design their preferred assessment style by critically engaging with themes discussed in their module.
An SDA can take any form - a story, workshop, presentation, blog, comic, painting, video, essay, dance, website, poem, song, learning resource, collage, diary - and it displays each student’s personal experiences of and thoughts about the module’s topics, questions and stimuli.
Find out more about SDA from Associate Professor Heather Meyer and former student Rory Meade.