IATL Student Engagement Survey
2015 Survey
The 2015 Student Engagement Survey (UKES) ran at the University of Warwick from 15 June to 6 July 2015. This year it was only open to Undergraduates at the University and we recevied 1463 responses.
UKES is designed to help institutions increase student engagement in activities which promote learning. By completing the survey students are able to let us know if the Warwick learning experience is truly distinctive and the results are being used to assess how well the University is achieving the teaching and learning commitments it has set out to students in its strategy document. Every department has been given access to their results and we are also using the feedback in IATL to identify areas of best practice and to replicate and disseminate that best practice around the University.
2014 Survey
Approximately 1600 responses were received for the 2014 survey. The results were analysed by two MORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics) students, Lucian Cracian and Trinh Nguyen and are being used to help us measure the success of IATL in improving the student experience at Warwick to date. The data is also being looked at against national and international benchmarks to discover what Warwick is doing well and where we can improve.
2013 Survey
The 1909 responses we received for the 2013 survey were analysed by two MORSE students, Desi Ivanova and Zimu Xu, and the results are being used throughout IATL's work and beyond to ensure that teaching at learning at Warwick is responsive to the opinions and experiences of our students.
Nichola Caiger from Warwick Medical School (week 1 of the questionnaire), Rebecca Smith from the Department of French Studies (week 2) and Jonathan Fenn from the School of Life Sciences (week 3) were the lucky winners of £100 Amazon vouchers.
Nichola Caiger (left) being presented |
Rebecca Smith (right) being |
2011 Survey
IATL received Higher Education Academy funding to analyse the results of the 2011 survey and study their relationship to the results of the then most recent National Student Survey to explore the correlation between students' satisfaction and their engagement with their University.
We had 1907 responses, which means that 15% of Warwick undergraduates took part.
Poppy Roberts from the Insititue of Clinical Education (week 1 of the questionnaire), Randeep Gill from WBS (week 2) and Oliver Wright from Philosophy (week 3) were the lucky winners of £100 Amazon vouchers.
Poppy Roberts being presented with her voucher by Dr Susan Brock, Academic Manager of IATL |
Randeep Gill being presented with his voucher by Prof. Carol Rutter, Co-Director of IATL |
Oliver Wright being presented with his voucher by Prof. Carol Rutter, Co-Director of IATL |