This strand of the Warwick 2065 research project has focused on Warwick graduate theatre companies, with a specific focus on those which have emerged from the University since the year 2000. In focusing on this area of the project we have pursued two key areas of research: compiling a comprehensive archive of twenty-first-century Warwick graduate companies; and conducting research into whether and what the lines of connection between those companies might be.
The first of these strands led to the completion of a comprehensive account of companies which have emerged from Warwick in the twenty-first century. This information is available in the form of a database featuring responses from the companies to some basic questions on the formation of these companies, and in a visualised “family tree” produced in collaboration with the artist Clem Garritty for the exhibition featured here as part of the 2015 Emerge Festival at the Warwick Arts Centre.
The second area of research – the connections between companies – proved more methodologically difficult to explore, but did yield some tentative conclusions. Though some of those we spoke to suggested that they feel no particular connection between their graduate work and their alma mater, it seems reasonable to claim – on the basis of my original questionnaire, and several interviews conducted over the summer – that the built and cultural environments of Warwick (its campus, the presence of the Warwick Arts Centre, the provision of well-respected theatre degrees) provide potential common ground on which shared sets of artistic values might be built upon.
The first of these strands led to the completion of a comprehensive account of companies which have emerged from Warwick in the twenty-first century. This information is available in the form of a database featuring responses from the companies to some basic questions on the formation of these companies, and in a visualised “family tree” produced in collaboration with the artist Clem Garritty for the exhibition featured here as part of the 2015 Emerge Festival at the Warwick Arts Centre.
The second area of research – the connections between companies – proved more methodologically difficult to explore, but did yield some tentative conclusions. Though some of those we spoke to suggested that they feel no particular connection between their graduate work and their alma mater, it seems reasonable to claim – on the basis of my original questionnaire, and several interviews conducted over the summer – that the built and cultural environments of Warwick (its campus, the presence of the Warwick Arts Centre, the provision of well-respected theatre degrees) provide potential common ground on which shared sets of artistic values might be built upon.
Research by Edward Franklin (English and Theatre Studies, 2015)